PB&J Family Services Programs
Community Based Prevention, Intervention, and Reunification Program (CBPIR)
CBPIR is a community-based program that serves families with children 0-18 years old. Services are presented in home and focus on parent education and case management. This service is offered in Bernalillo, Sandoval, and Valencia counties. Self-referral is permitted for our prevention service with families that have children 0-5 years old. Community partners can refer for our intervention service for families with children 0-18 years old.
For more information, please contact AnneMarie Palma at AnneMarie@pbjfamilyservices.org
Children’s Support Group
The Children's Support Group is a program that is held at the PB&J South Valley location and serves children from Kindergarten-8th grade. This service is offered to children residing in Bernalillo county only. The group focuses on social emotional well-being and positive peer interactions.
Self-referral and partnership referrals are permitted for this program.
Family Infant Toddler Program
FIT is a home based program for families with children age 0-3 years and that are at-risk for developmental delays. A comprehensive evaluation is completed for all children enrolled in the program. FIT services are available in Bernalillo and Sandoval counties. Services focus on parent education and child development.
Self-referral and community partnership referrals are permitted for this program.
Family Outreach
The Family Outreach program is CYFD funded and helps to connect families in need of resources with a PB&J worker that will help them with their immediate need(s).
Only referrals from CYFD is permitted for this program.
For more information please contact Evanna Serna at evanna@pbjfamilyservices.org.
NM Home Visiting Program
The NM Home Visiting Program serves families with children age prenatal-5 years. This service is offered to families in Bernalillo and Sandoval counties. This program focuses on parent education, child development, case management, and resource referral.
Self-referral and community partnership referrals are permitted for this program.
Juvenile Community Corrections (JCC)
The Juvenile Community Corrections (JCC) program works with incarcerated youth as well as incarcerated teen parents. The program helps these youth to gain needed parenting and life skills. Additionally, PB&J workers provide therapeutic supervised family visits and intensive in-home visiting upon release.
Only CYFD referrals are permitted for this program.
For more information please contact Jonee Alarcon at jonee@pbjfamilyservices.org
Metro Detention Center (MDC)
The MDC Parent Visitation and Family Supports Program serves parents incarcerated at MDC and their children. At MDC, the parents are provided with a series of parenting classes and the opportunity for supervised visits with their children. The program also provides services in the home for the children and their caregivers while a parent is incarcerated. Once the parent is released from MDC, PB&J will continue to work with families through coached family visits and case management services.
Referrals for this program can be made only through MDC.
Parenting program
Parenting Program serves families with children age 0-5. This program teaches parent education utilizing Nurturing Parenting Program over a 16-week session. The curriculum is delivered via in home and through group sessions at our SE Heights location. This program currently serves Bernalillo county.
Referrals can be made via self-referral, CYFD, and through community partners.
NM Pre-k extended day
The PB&J Pre-K Program serves children that are 4 years old at our Bernalillo, South Valley, and South East Heights locations. The program was developed and utilizes the NM PreK Curriculum. Children enrolled in the program will learn social emotional, language, and cognitive skills that will prepare them for Kindergarten and beyond. Children attend the program from Monday-Friday and limited transportation is available to the program.
Referrals can be made via self-referral and community partnerships.
Not Sure which program fits your needs?
We are here to help! One of our front office administrators can assist you with finding the right program or information for you or your client. Please give us a call at (505) 877-7060 or fill out the form below and we will call you. Please be prepared to answer questions such as the age of the children, contact information for the child/family, and the specific circumstances relating to your inquiry.
Do you need to make a Partner Referral?
Please fill out the form Below.